What are the 5 Benefits of Organic Baby Clothes?

An increasing audience follows a more sustainable lifestyle, and organic fashion has become rather popular as it is more eco-friendly and safer for babies and children. But do you know the benefits organic baby clothes have?

Babies are especially vulnerable to chemicals exposed to them as their little bodies are not as capable as adults of protecting themselves.

Choosing organic is highly beneficial for your little person, and today we share five benefits organic baby clothes have for your baby, farmers and the environment.

5 benefits organic baby clothes have?-Baby laying on back touching months nose with babies nose.
Baby laying on back touching month nose with baby nose.

1 )Health benefits for the farmer

Working on a regular cotton farm is not without risks and is quite dangerous. Hazardous synthetic chemicals and herbicides are used when growing and harvesting regular cotton. Cotton is a pesticide-intensive crop, and bugs often get resistant to pesticides. Therefore, many chemicals are used to grow cotton plants.

Regular cotton farms are unsafe to work on as farmers are regularly exposed to many synthetic chemicals. Often, there is no appropriate Protection worn as these farmers are not always aware of how dangerous the toxins are. As a result, injuries and death from working with these toxins are common.

Farmers who are luckier can work on organic cotton farms, which are safer to work at. At organic farms, alternative techniques protect the plant from pests. Some of the methods used with organic farming are trapping and rotating crops. Some chemicals can be used in organic agriculture, but only chemicals are allowed by the certified organic label.

2) Benefits of organic cotton for the environment

5 Benefits organic baby clothes have-White cotton ball.
White cotton balls.

Growing organic cotton is friendlier for the enviroment than growing conventional cotton. Some significant benefits organic cotton has compared to traditional cotton are:

  • Alternative methods are used instead of dangerous toxins to protect the plant from pests.
  • Significantly less water is required to grow organic cotton instead of conventional cotton.

‘Did you know 2/3 of the world may face water shortage in 2025? Growing organic cotton uses 85% less water than growing regular cotton and will contribute to a more positive outcome of this forecast‘.

Did you know that many dangerous chemicals are used to grow conventional cotton?

The use of synthetic chemicals during the growing of cotton kills the pest, though many good microorganisms that live in the soil are killed in the process.

The harmful substances disturb the soil’s diversity and can result in secondary pest outbreaks, creating a new pest issue. Also, leftover chemicals will pollute local waterways and cause a significant strain on the health of the enviroment.

Compared to conventional cotton, organic cotton benefits are significant for the environment as no dangerous toxins are used, disturbing the healthy soil diversity, and toxins do not pollute local waters like conventional cotton does’.

3) The benefits of organic cotton for your babies’ sensitive skin.

5 benefits organic baby clothes have?-Smiling baby laying in bed.
They were smiling babies lying in bed.

Babies’ skin is super absorbent and very sensitive. Therefore, considering where babies’ skin comes in contact, especially in the first year, is highly recommended.

Babies’ upper skin is much thinner than adult skin. As a result, substances coming in contact with the body will penetrate deeper into babies’ skin. Therefore, avoiding chemicals on babies’ skin is beneficial and ideal for babies’ skin and health.

Organic cotton is super soft for your babies’ delicate skin, and chances are reduced babies’ skin will react to the fabric as organic cotton is hypoallergenic. In addition, organic cotton is grown without harmful substances, and garments won’t contain potential leftover chemicals like other garments.

To learn if a brand is genuinely organic, look for brands with a certification like G.O.T.S (Global Organic Textile Standards), a leading standard in the textile industry.

4) Benefits of return on investment of organic cotton baby clothes

5 benefits organic baby clothes have?-Piles of coins and a jar of coins with a plant growing from the inside out.
4 Piles of coins with green twigs and a jar of coins with a green twig in the middle.

Organic baby clothes are more durable but have a higher price tag. However, gently used baby clothes are popular if you want to see some dollars back from your baby’s organic wardrobe investment.

Several shops offer to sell back programs for gently used organic garments, increasing popularity.

Using clothing for a longer period is sustainable, contributing to staying out of the landfill longer.

5) Ethical Benefits of organic cotton baby clothes

Baby brands certified organic with the global leading standard G.O.T.S will display their logo across their products and brands. If you want to be assured that your organic items are made ethically and meet high standards, look for certified organic clothing brands like Finn+Emma!

Brands with the G.O.T.S logo meet the standard’s highly stringent environmental and ethical guidelines. Therefore, the actions taken to grow and manufacture the certified products must be done ethically instead of the enviroment and the workers involved in making the products.

All workers evolved to make products with a G.O.T.S certification have to be paid a fair, livable wage and a safe workplace’.

Conclusion of 5 benefits organic cotton has?

5 benefits organic baby clothes have?-Yawning baby in bed with soft toy and grey hat on.
Five benefits organic baby clothes have?-Yawning baby in bed with soft toy and grey hat on.

Most organic baby clothes are luxurious and of higher quality than conventional cotton, and making the garments is friendlier for the enviroment. However, the price of premium organic baby clothes can add up when purchasing a complete wardrobe; organic garments with the G.O.T.S logo are made ethically.

Remember the opportunities to rent or purchase pre-loved organic garments in the U.S.; these options make choosing organic baby clothes for your newborn much more affordable.

Organic clothing is made to last for an extended period and is better for the environment. Organic baby clothes allow cotton farmers and their families to live a better and safer life.

What are your thoughts on the benefits of organic baby clothes?

Please leave your comments below.


8 thoughts on “What are the 5 Benefits of Organic Baby Clothes?”

  1. I must admit that I haven’t paid much attention to the process that goes into making the clothes for my kids. However, going organic makes sense if you can afford it for the very reasons that you have listed. I do think it is important to protect our farmers and the environment around us, but it is especially important to protect our little ones. I will have to try to be more mindful when it comes time to purchase clothes next. Thanks!

    • Hi Steve, thanks a lot for your insight on the topic of Organic baby clothes. Like you, I only became more recent about Organic clothes myself. Now I have learned more about the details my interest has grown to be more Organic and I aim to buy Organic as much as I can. I love the benefits for my baby, but I love the benefits of the others involved in the process as well. Hopefully, Organic choices will be more affordable in the near future to increase opportunities for a broader audience to buy Organic.

      Best wishes to you, I appreciate your comment. Jude

  2. Hi! Well, I never was down for synthetic fabrics only for cotton ones since ever. But didn’t realize that rashes from clothes are basically rashes from chemicals that are in clothes. I always had rashes and reactions when I dressed in new clothes. Now my wife always buys my children ” the highest quality clothes” and supposedly they are organic as my children don’t suffer from rashes anymore.



    • Hi Primoz, I agree with you, we should comfort babies’ as much as we can. Babies body and mind are all in focus to develop, and it is beneficial for them to do everything we can to support this process. Even though clothes are not always the reason baby potentially develop skin irritation or rashes, we all know babies skin react very strongly to anything coming in contact with there skin and avoiding chemicals is a great health benefit. 

      I am happy to hear buying quality clothes resolved the issue for your babies’. 

      If you are ever want to make sure the clothing is organic, make sure it states Organic on the label to ensure it really is, as the brand has to be certified to call their brand organic. This can ensure you they are really organic.

      Best wishes Jude

  3. Hey, nice article you have there. In my opinion, Organic cotton clothes are important for your baby because you really want to limit their irritants and exposure to chemicals when they are developing. This will not only keep them healthier and help them develop more natural, but it will also keep them a lot more comfortable due to limiting the irritants around them.

    • Very well said, I totally agree with you. Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it. I feel excited about the development of the clothing industry with the growing interest of Organic products. Hopefully, it will be affordable for more people in the near future what gives a broader audience the opportunity to purchase organic items and enjoy the benefits. Best wishes Jude

  4. Wow there are some good benefits to using organic clothing but I have a question why don’t they just turn to organic clothing altogether. Hopefully, more and more companies use natural cotton instead of what they are using right now because if they did it it would have so many good outcomes. But from now on when I buy new clothes I’m going to wash it or spray it so that it won’t give me a rash.

    • Hi Nadir, growing organic cotton is much better for our environment, however, the clothing industry is mainly focused on making a profit rather than considering our environment. Therefore it might not be very likely that the whole cotton industry would start growing organic cotton. I have noticed though that other brands do make an effort to improve the cotton they use for their clothing. It is not organic but they call It better cotton.

      It doesn’t mean necessarily that you would develop a rash wearing non-organic clothing, but you may do when you have sensitive skin. I am not sure what you would spray on the clothing to not develop a rash when you would have sensitive skin though.
      Probably wash it before use would be the best option or having a look for organic options. Very likely you would find there are more organic options around and easier to get hold of soon.
      Thanks a lot for stopping by, I appreciate it and I hope this is helpful for you.
      Best wishes.


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